2014년 10월 28일 화요일



How did people communicate with each other news in the past? In the early years, people met directly or communicated through the letter. With the development of society, people was beginning to use telephone.
Then, what is the new medium of communication in society of globalization?

It is SNS

SNS is abbreviations of Social Network System. SNS-social networking sites can be a platform to build social networks or social relations among people who share interests, activities, backgrounds or real-life connections. And SNS gives a platform to the users to create their own virtual social space where they can share their own information's
If you want to know more about SNS,  go for this site.
These are some popular social networking sites. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, My space, Google +, etc..

At the first, Now SNS users increase continually in the world. -> This graph shows continuous increases of the number of users of Facebook which is representable site of SNS. So, SNS is emerged as a mediator of the new communication to keep pace with the globalization age.

Now, SNS is hot issue in all the parts and effects in people and in all the parts. In current society, If you dont use SNS, people would think that he is out-of-date person. Like this, SNS becomes a symbol of modern society.

Learn about the pros and cons of SNS which we use.
SNS sites are running and used successfully in the world, because of their advantages and benefits. What are these benefits? I divide benefits into three parts.

1.     Accessibility
-      It helps users to interact with other users, se because people around the world can log on SNS  though the Internet.
-      Anyone makes and uses user account. -> the below side picture means that various age groups use SNS. Even ratio of more 65 age groups is 43%
-      It helps to contact with various people.

2.     Availablity
-      It helps to collect knowledge and information quickly
-      It helps users to organize and participate in any events.
-      In terms of corporate, we can read the flow of consumer needs through SNS

3.     Various means
-      Self PR : It give users a platform across the globe to express their feelings and views.
-      Corporate marketing : It is possible two-way communication between customers and corporations and the effect of advertisement id good for its cost and riffle effets.
-      Etc : to make new friends, to participate contest

And there can be many more other benefits of using SNS. So, I prepared this video that shows positive functions and culture of SNS.

But, It has negative aspect, too.

1.     Matters of security
-      Security of our personal data and information : It was exposed easily everyone, the users create virtual accounts and misuse the personal information of other user.
-      Criminal activities :  The picture of below side is various criminal activities and is shown that the ratio of SNS criminal activities is higher than the ration of average individual criminal activities which is about 3.3% For example, as some people upload porn activities, It attacks many children. And using this point which anyone makes user account, person is damaged financial loss through impersonation.

2.     Reliability
-      Reliability of information : Many sources of information is unclear, so It is difficult to trust the information. For example, When sewor ferry accident is caused, unfounded rumors spread through the SNS. So,  government and family of the deceased were difficult to grasp the situation. And this article is related in sewor ferry accidents http://news1.kr/articles/?1640647
-       Many sources of information is unclear, so It is difficult to trust the information. For example,
-      Reliability of users : it's very hard to trust on any stranger on sns. And impersonation is so frequent.

3.     SNS addiction
-      Mental conditions : SNS addiction can affect mental conditions, sometime is became a big reason of depression and tension.
-      Health : It doesnt affect directly, but using long time, it affects directly failing eyesight.
-      Waste of time : when user spend time on SNS, we are unaware of the passage of the time.
-      This video shows example of SNS addiction https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a04LQUlb4zY

Finally, Though it has negative aspect too, but I think that SNS is going to be new medium of communication in the age of globalization. Although It still remains the problem of reliability and safety, these problems could be solved if the user has consciousness make clear SNS world like SNSs leader is user. Effort of government is example to enforce the policy about SNS and to hold campaign to heighten responsibility on SNS  
Also,  Because SNS has positive aspects, I think that SNS activation is right direction. 
First, SNS is great marketing means. In terms of corporation, SNS is indispensable at product promotion means. sns marketing is largely divided into two parts. One is that corporation promote directly through corporate accouts. The other is that After the user is using the product, user promotes product. Generally, the latter case is more effective, because people trust user more than corporate.
Second, SNS is means of introduce effectively himself. In self-promotion age, SNS is effective that people inform his ability and charm to anyone. With globailization age, we meet and build global relationships through SNS. But, the basis of their life should not be SNS. So, people are always careful about SNS addiction and utilize wisely SNS.
Finally, SNS helps people to adapt to the rapid changes in the world. In communist society, Jasmine Revolution occurred through SNS. This way, we access to various changes of the world. So, we adapt to changes in the world and the best use of SNS.
These three reasons make SNS is going to be new medium of communication in the age of globalization. And the barriers between conturies would break down through SNS. Futhermore, truly global society will be made. We can be a global talent to good use of SNS

댓글 3개:

  1. To be truth, I use lots of SNS when I have time. However, I'm not very sure about the impact of SNS. I can understand those issues because of you. Thank you.

  2. And plus of that, I also lived in Masan when I was in high school. What a coincidence.

  3. I like your point of view. It's not the same as mine, but an interesting point nonetheless. If you fix the computing code errors(probably happened because of the copy-paste of the graphs), this will be a great post!
